We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin as has been the long-standing tradition of the Roman Catholic Church.
We continue the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and the Franciscan Order.
We do not follow any of the Modernist changes that have taken place since the false council of Vatican II.
We are Franciscans of the Strict Observance.
A falsehood has been recently brought to our attention.
It is claimed that the late Bishop Louis Vezelis, OFM had raised a certain “Fr. Gustavo de Jesus, OSB” to the episcopacy on December 24, 2010, in the "Sedevacantist Ukrainian Uniate Chapel of the Patronage of Our Lady" located in Temperley (Partido de Lomas de Zamora) Buenos Aires, Argentina. This is a complete fabrication. May God have mercy on the demonic instruments promoting this deception.
+Bishop Giles, OFM (2018 April 23)
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